How Menstrual Cups Work in Favour of Women & the Earth

How Menstrual Cups Work in Favour of Women & the Earth


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Once considered a taboo, menstrual cups have gained immense popularity in recent years. Firstly, it has started a natural and much-needed open conversation about menstrual hygiene and women’s health. Secondly, brought to light how disposable menstrual products harm the environment. You can say, without a doubt that the menstrual cup works for both women and our planet. How? Let’s elaborate through this blog.

Have You Heard about Menstrual Cups?

So, what is a menstrual cup? It is a reusable menstrual product. The menstrual cup or Shecup is shaped like a funnel. Its flexibility comes from silicone, making it easier to insert inside a woman’s vagina to collect the menstrual fluid. These cups can hold more fluid than any tampon or sanitary napkin. To clarify, it stays inside your vagina and does not slide out even when walking, running, or exercising. However, you must insert it properly, so it stays in one place.

How Does it Benefit Women?

Menstrual cups have multiple benefits for women, such as:

  • A Shecup can hold more menstrual fluid than the disposable alternatives. So, you can wear it for 8 to 10 hours. Even during heavy flow days, you don’t have to worry about changing multiple times.

  • Even after wearing the cup for longer hours, you don’t feel uncomfortable due to the typical wet feeling you get from pads and tampons.

  • Since it remains locked inside your vagina, without any risk of the fluid seeping out, you can swim, go hiking, run, and do strenuous sports activities.

  • Wearing pads or tampons for long hours can cause infection, rashes, and even worse Toxic Shock Syndrome. You don’t have to worry about that when wearing a menstrual cup.

  • A menstrual cup can be used for at least ten years. Imagine how much you will save in months of tampons and sanitary pads bills.

How Does it Benefit the Environment?

Menstrual cup not only benefit women, but it is also the planet’s saviour. Environment studies point out that every year; more than 12.3 billion sanitary pads are disposed of in India, which ends up in landfills. It equates to 113,000 tonnes of menstrual waste. Each sanitary napkin can take about 250-800 years to disintegrate. Since more than 57% of women in India wear sanitary pads, and globally that number is even higher. That’s a lot of waste our planet is choking on. So, how do you prevent that? You can use menstrual cups and reverse the damage done to the environment. Since it is reusable, you don’t need to discard it frequently. And when you have to, since they are made of health-grade silicone, menstrual cups are biodegradable.


Hopefully, this article helped you understand the many benefits of reusable menstrual cup. It is a comfortable, economical, and eco-friendly solution. So, go ahead and buy your first menstrual cup and experience comfortable cycles once and for all.